
The Open Source movement has dramatically changed the software landscape. Many companies, from large enterprises to small businesses now use Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) to provide office productivity, data processing and management information systems support to their daily business activities. Small businesses (SMEs) in particular, now have access to many sophisticated ICT solutions that were previously too costly to acquire.

However many SMEs continue to be challenged by the lack of awareness, appropriate training and cost-effective professional support services which limit their ability to effectively implement and take advanatage of these available technologies. In response to these challenges and the opportunities arising from the increased availability and acceptance of open source software, the Mona School of Business has established the Center of Excellence for IT-enabled Business Innovation, to address technical, managerial, and business approaches to the increased adoption and utilization of these significant ICT resources in the local business community... 

The CoE offers a range of services to SMEs and other Organizations interested in utilizing FOSS Software. Our Small Business Resource Center and our virtual Open Source Lab (CoOL) provides access to an expansive range of online resources for business solution consultation, training, software evaluation & downloads, and various technical support forums. Our Small Business Architecture compiles, certifies and packages implementation support services for a select, best of breed range of FOSS solutions, applicable to core business functionality including office productivity, Intranet & Groupware applications, Line of Business applications including inventory management, procurement & accounting (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) and human resource management (HRM).

Register today to become a member to benefit from our Services. Take our online Survey to help us better understand your business and ICT requirements.

About MSB-CoE

About MSB-CoE

Small Business Resource Center

Small Business Resource Center

CoOL Open Source Lab

CoOL Open Source Lab